Literary Resources

You should check with your instructor to see which citation style you are expected to use for your class assignments. On this page, you will find call numbers for the style manuals in the Library's reference collection, and links to related Internet resources.


APA (American Psychological Association) Style - used for social sciences 

Book available in the Library: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (Library location/call number: Reference 808.06615 P976 2010)

APA Style Workshop
From the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, this site includes information on general paper format, examples, and specific tips.

APA Tutorial (Univ. of Southern Miss.)
Test your APA knowledge with this interactive tutorial.

Basics of APA Style
Video tutorial from the APA Homepage. "It shows users how to structure and format their work, recommends ways to reduce bias in language, identifies how to avoid charges of plagiarism, shows how to cite references in text, and provides selected reference examples."

CBE/CSE Style - used for scientific writing

Book available in the Library: Scientific Style and Format: the CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 6th ed. (Library location/call number: Reference 808.0666 S416)

Writer's Handbook: CBE Documentation
A helpful guide from the University of Wisconsin

Citation Generators

The following are automatic citation generators. You should always check the accuracy of the citations generated by these sites before using them in your academic work.

This generator features an "auto fill mode" that searches the Internet to fill in your citation information for you.

This Web resource automatically generates MLA-style citations. APA format is also available for a small yearly fee.

Generates APA, MLA, and Chicago-style citations. From the Calvin College Library.

Landmark Citation Machine
Generates APA and MLA style citations for print and electronic resources.

NCSU Libraries Citation Builder
Similar to Easybib, but generates APA and MLA formats.

NoodleBib Express
Free version of NoodleBib that asks questions to help you generate the correct citation.

 MLA (Modern Language Association) Style - used for humanities

Book available in the Library: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (Library location/call number: Reference 808.02 G437 2009)

MLA Overview and Workshop
A comprehensive guide from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Includes tips on handling quotations, footnotes and endnotes.

MLA tutorial (Univ. of Southern Miss.)
Test your MLA knowledge with this interactive tutorial.


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